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apply for WMBC Scholarship!

The Warren Mott Band Club is awarding scholarships of $200 to Warren Mott Band students who are freshmen, sophomores or juniors and will be a band student the entire 2024-2025 school year.

These scholarships are to be used for summer music camps (excluding Warren Mott's Band Camp) for private lessons, or new instrument purchases (approved by director).

To be considered for a scholarship, complete the attached application. Return your completed application to Mr. Miller. When all applications are in, Mr. Miller will then assign a number to each. The judges will not know whose application they are judging.

Please put in serious thought and spend quality time in filling out the application. Make sure your application is legible. (prefer typed) If we cannot read it, we cannot consider it.

The DEADLINE for turning in your application is Wednesday, May 1st 2024. Mr. Miller has been instructed not to accept any application after this date. There will be no exceptions.

Scholarships will be awarded at the Band Banquet on May 13th but you will not be able to access the scholarship funds until Nov 1, 2024. You then have until April 1, 2025 to use your award.

To obtain your reward you must turn in receipts attached to a WMBC Scholarship withdrawal form to the WMBC Treasurer. The treasurer will then reimburse any acceptable expenses up to the award amount.



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